The Journal of the Korean Academy of Family Medicine is a monthly published academic peer review journal provi-ding evidence based information relevant to professionalism of and patient care in family medicine. The Journal of the Korean Academy of Family Medicine publishes research ma-terial in-cluding basic science related to primary care, and those related to clinical, epidemiological, health services, and health care system. This regulation is based on the uniform require-ments for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals: writing and editing for biomedical publication ( and has been revised with recent amendments to research ethics regulations and references.
1. Ethics regulations
Review and handling procedures related to all research ethics including ethics regulations and plagiarism/duplicate publication/ research violation will be followed according to ¡°the medical journal publication ethics guideline ( publishing_ethics.html)¡± as enacted by the Korean medical journal editors association.
1) Your review on ethical material
If the research involves human life, it must comply with the ethical standards of the 1975 Helsinki Declaration (Revised edition of 2004) and in principle undergo scrutiny of an independent Institutional Review Board (IRB) which reviews ethical issues of the human experiment. But, in clinical studies, the approval of the Institutional Review Board (IRB) and patient¡¯s consent must be received and stated on paper. Description materials including photographs should not disclose patient¡¯s name, English initials, and hospital identification number.
2) Duplicate publication
A paper that has already been reported in another journal or is a redundant material previously published will be rejected. If the paper contains similar work that has already been reported in another publication or has been published in the journal, the author should include copies of such material along with the submitted paper. The Editorial Committee of the Journal of Korean Academy of Family Medicine will decide on the matter of re-publication of the submitted paper and then consider for its acceptance. Also, the author can not submit a published paper to another journal without authorization. Only under the conditions of the ¡°Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals¡± this may be allowed.
3) Author(s)
All persons designated as authors must fulfill all three con-ditions that they had contributed to 1) conception and design, or analysis and interpretation, 2) drafting the article or revising it critically for important intellectual content, and 3) final approval of the version to be published. Group members who do not meet these criteria for authorship should be listed, with their permission, in the ¡°Acknowledgments¡±.
4) Elucidation of interests
Funds received for research consumed for research purposes must be written at the bottom of the cover. All authors must reveal all interests that related to research such as consultation fees and stocks when handing in their paper and should provide all of their personal signatures to verify they have revealed so.
2. Type of manuscript
The type of manuscript that may be submitted are original articles, case reports, lectures on family medicine (reviews), let-ters, and brief communication.
3. Observance of guiding principle on report recom-mendation
Authors should be aware of the information that must be included in the contents of the research according to the research design and must reflect them in their articles. Random contrast study should refer to CONSORT, diagnostic research to STARD, observational research to STROBE, and systemic investigation to QUOROM and MOOSE.
4. Review and selection of manuscript
All articles handed in should be requested to be reviewed by at least two experts in the related field. Selection of the article will be based on the results of the review. If there is a discrepancy concerning the review, the selection will be decided pending further review by the editorial committee.
5. Publication rights
Once publication of the manuscript has been decided, the publication rights will be deferred to the Korean Academy of Family Medicine and the author will sign the required document. The Korean Academy of Family Medicine has the right to publish, distribute, and print the work in the journal or other media.
6. Language and terms
In principle, it should be written in Korean or English and academic terms should follow the standards described in the Scientific Technical Terminology Editions of Education Ministry or the 4th edition of the Medical Terminology of Korean Medical Association. If necessary Chinese characters may be used in combination using parentheses. Drug names by principle should be printed in general name unless it is intended for a particular pharmaceutical product.
7. Use of abbreviation
Overindulgence with the use of abbreviation is forbidden and should be used minimally. Only those approved and standardized abbreviations ( on homepage may be used and not to be used on main titles or in the abstract. With the exception of measuring units, abbreviation should be written when first introduced in the text and then may be used independently.
8. Generic names, numbers, and units
Personal, geographical, and generic names should be used as original. and numbers expressed in Arabic numerals. Measuring units for length, height, weight, and volume should follow the decimal system of metric weights and measures (meters, grams, liters, etc.). Temperature should be in Celsius and blood pressure in mmHg. Units for blood and clinical laboratory test measurements should be expressed in the ordinary scale or by International Units (SI).
9. Preparation of the manuscript
The manuscript should be written using the Windows program Microsoft Word (.doc) or Hangul (.hwp) should be written in standard format of letter size 10. ISO A4 sized paper (212¡¿297 mm) should be used with a margin space on top, bottom, right and left of 25 mm or more. Title page, abstract, text, acknowledgement, references, tables, and figures should be all double-spaced. For example, line space should be 200% when using ¾Æ·¡¾ÆÇѱÛ. Marking the title page as page one, all other pages should be marked consecutively and files should be attached.
10. Sequence headings of the original article (atta-ched file)
The contents of the attached file should be prepared on a separate page in the order of 1) Title page with the title only, 2) English abstract and key words, 3) Introduction, 4) Methods, 5) Results, 6) Discussion, 7) Acknowledgements (if necessary), 8) Korean abstract and key words, 9) References, 10) Tables, 11) Legends, and 12) Figures. The length of the article should not exceed 10,000 letters (including blank spaces) excluding the title page, tables, figures, and references. The number of tables and figures in total should not exceed more than seven.
11. Declaration of authorship
Declaration of authorship should be done (listed) on homepage when registering on website, and should not be done when attaching the file of the article. If the authors are more than two, the names should be listed in the order of sequence relative to the most who had contributed to the article and each separated by a comma. If the authors¡¯ affiliation is different, then it should be separated by a comma according to the authors¡¯ order. If the affiliation is different from the first author, the rest of the authors should be marked ¡®1¡¯, ¡®2¡¯, ¡®3¡¯ and so forth in Arabic numerals by top upper right hand corner (superscript) immediately following the author¡¯s name and before their affiliation. The author responsible for correction of the handed-in article should be the corresponding author and should be marked with ¡® * ¡¯ on the top upper right hand corner (su-perscript) immediately following the author¡¯s name. The corresponding author along with the first author must assume responsibility for making corrections of the handed-in paper during review process. If the corresponding author is not disclosed, then the editorial committee approves the first author to be the corresponding author. The author¡¯s name in English should be written in the order of ¡®given name surname¡¯. If the given name is separated by a space, then capitalization of the first letter of each given name should be made. The title of the author which is the highest in terms of degree should be written separated by a comma following the name of the author. No period must be used when marking MD and PhD.
12. Title
The title of the manuscript should use minimal amount of words to summarize the contents of the manuscript and should not be expressed as ¡®research on¡¯ or ¡®discussions on¡¯.
13. Abstracts and key words
Abstract should follow the sequence headings 1) Background, 2) Method(s), 3) Result(s), 4) Conclusion(s). It should be written according to the Korean abstract, but should not exceed over 250 words. Attached at the bottom line, identify the key words using terms from the medical subject headings (MeSH) list of Index Medicus.
14. Introduction
State the purpose of the article and elaborate on its significance. Summarize the rationale and give only strictly pertinent references. Do not reiterate or list related topics diffusely and do not include data or conclusions from the work being reported.
15. Methods
Identify the methods. Describe subjects, laboratory animals, or controls clearly and identify procedures in sufficient detail to allow other workers to reproduce the results. Especially, describe the methods that confirmed the diseases of research and the methods to control subjective bias. Identify the apparatus or reagents used by giving the name of the product, followed by the name of the product company in parentheses. Give references to established methods, including statistical methods. Provide references and brief descriptions for methods that have been published but are not well known or substantially modified and give reasons for using them and evaluate their limitations.
16. Statistics
Describe statistical methods with enough detail to verify the reported results. When possible, quantify findings and present them with appropriate indicators of measurement error or uncertainty (such as confidence intervals). Avoid relying solely on statistical hypothesis testing, such as the use of P values, which fails to convey important quantitative information. For generalization of the study sample, discuss the eligibility by statistical methods unless it is a total number study or a case report. When the results of the data in the text are given, provide details specifically in terms of average, proportion, or correlation coefficient to describe the difference between study groups or the relevant size and direction of variables. Avoid nontechnical uses of technical terms in statistics, such as ¡°random¡±, ¡°normal¡±, ¡°significant¡±, ¡°correlations¡±, and ¡°sample¡±. Also, specify the standard computer statistics program used.
17. Results
Present your results in logical sequence in the text, tables, and figures. Do not repeat in the text all data in the tables or figures, but describe important points and trends.
18. Discussion
Emphasize the new and important aspects of the study and the conclusions that follow from them. Do not repeat in detail data or other material given in the Introduction or the Results section. Include the implications of the findings and their limitations, including implications for future research.
Link the conclusions with the goals of the study by discussing and comparing the relevant results of other research data. Avoid unqualified statements and conclusions not completely supported by the data. State new hypotheses when warranted and recommendations, when appropriate, may be included.
19. Acknowledgements
If necessary, persons who have contributed to the paper but whose contributions do not justify authorship may be named. Clearly state their contributing role for acknowledgement. For example, data collection, financial support, statistical analysis, analysis of experiment, and so forth. Authors should notify that their names will be in the Acknowledgement and are responsible for obtaining permission from persons acknowledged.
20. Korean abstract and key words
Korean abstract should follow the four sequence headings of background, methods, results, and conclusion. It should be written appropriately to convey the outline and should not exceed more than 1,000 words. Key words ranging from 3 to 10 words should be attached at the bottom of the abstract and checked to confirm that it is listed under the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.
21. References
References should be listed in the order they were referred to in the main article and should be marked with each number at the top right upper hand corner (number by superscript).
References cited in the text should follow the guidelines below: The reference cited in the text should be numbered as in the list of references at the top upper right hand corner and should be followed by a parenthesis (right bracket) ')'. If there is more than one reference cited coincidentally, then a comma is used to separate the numbers and only the last number is closed with a right parenthesis. If a consecutive number of references are cited together, then a hyphen ¡®-¡¯ may be used between the first and the last number. If an author is cited, a number using the top upper right hand corner should directly follow the author's name. If no author is cited, then a number will be marked after the last word of the sentence. A particle should follow the number at the top upper right hand corner.
A comma should follow the reference number cited and a period should be marked before the number at the top upper right hand corner. If more than one author is cited and ¡®et al.¡¯ was used for abbreviation, then the number at the top upper right hand corner should follow the abbreviation.
A particle should follow the superscript. Comma and period should be placed in front of the superscript. If the authors are three or more, ¡®etc.¡¯ may be placed to abbreviate the rest of the authors and the superscript may be placed behind them to include all authors.
The references should be listed in English. If there are six or less authors in a reference, then all the names of the authors should be listed. If there are seven or more authors, list the initial six authors, and then abbreviate the rest of the authors with ¡®et al¡¯. If the reference is in Korean, then list the English version listed in the reference. If there is no official English bibliography of the Korean reference, then it is best not to refer to it. If it is unavoidable in making a reference to it, then 1) it should be listed following the Roman alphabet notation of the Korean text (, or 2) attach them in parentheses after translating the contents in proper English by listing it according to the Roman alphabet notation. In principle, the name of the English article should be in the abbreviation used in the U.S. National Library of Medicine and the name of the Korean article should be listed in the abbreviation used in the Korean Medical Journal Information of the Editorial Council of the Medical Journal. The abstract may not be used as a reference, but if unavoidable, the author should make a note that only the abstract has been referred to. If the article has been approved but not yet published and is referred to, then it should be listed as ¡°in press¡± or ¡°forthcoming¡±. If the article has been handed in, but has not been determined for its publication and needs to be referred to for certain information in the article, then it should be listed as ¡°unpublished observation¡± and requires the authors¡¯ approval. Excluding the review article, the number of the reference of the original articles made is limited to 30.
1) Reference to articles of academic journals
The name of the author(s), title, the name of the journal, year; volume: the beginning page
to the last page
- If there are six or less authors
Seo HK, Ji SH, Jhun HJ. Smoking prevalence and habits of physicians in Korea: a mail questionnaire survey conducted in 2000. J Korean Acad Fam Med 2007; 28: 599-603.
De Faerranti SD, Loannidis JP, Lau J, Anninger WV, Barza M. Are amoxicillin and folate inhibitors as effective as other antibiotics for acute sinusitis? A meta-analysis. BMJ 1998; 317: 632-7.
- If there are seven or more authors
Kim MJ, Shin HC, Kim CH, Choi YS, Lee H, Choi AK, et al. The current educational measurement of family practice residents. J Korean Acad Fam Med 2007; 28: 616-25.
Green BB, Cook AJ, Ralston JD, Fishman PA, Catz SL, Carlson J, et al. Effectiveness of home blood pressure monitoring, web communication, and pharmacist care on hypertension control: a randomized controlled trial. JAMA 2008; 299: 2857-67.
- If the author is an organization
Diabetes Prevention Program Research Group. Hypertension, insulin, and proinsulin in participants with impaired glucose tolerance. Hypertension 2002; 40: 679-86.
- If it is a supplement in a volume
Geraud G, Spierings EL, Keywood C. Tolerability and safety of frovatriptan with short- and long-term use for treatment of migraine and in comparison with sumatriptan.
Headache 2002; 42 Suppl 2: S93-9.
- If it is a supplement in an issue
Glauser TA. Integrating clinical trial data into clinical practice. Neurology 2002; 58(12 Suppl 7): S6-12.
- If the author is anonymous
21st century heart solution may have a sting in the tail. BMJ 2002; 325: 184.
- If the type of article needs to be addressed
Enzensberger W, Fischer PA. Metronome in Parkinson's disease [letter]. Lancet 1996; 347: 1337.
Clement J, De Bock R. Hematological complications of hantavirus nephropathy (HVN) [abstract]. Kidney Int 1992; 42: 1285.
- If to be published on a website before paper publication
Yu WM, Hawley TS, Hawley RG, Qu CK. Immortalization of yolk sac-derived precursor cells. Blood 2002; 100: 3828-31. Epub 2002 Jul 5.
- If in the process of publication
Leshner AI. Molecular mechanisms of cocaine addiction. N Engl J Med. In press 2008.
2) If referred to a separate volume
The name of the author(s), the title of the book: (subtitle), edition, published site: publishing company; publishing year, (the beginning page to the last page)
- If it is an individual author
Ringsven MK, Bond D. Gerontology and leadership skills for nurses. 2nd ed. Albany (NY): Delmar Publishers; 1996.
- If it is referring to a chapter of an edition
Phillips SJ, Whisnant JP. Hypertension and stroke. In: Laragh JH, Brenner BM, editors. Hypertension: pathophysiology, diagnosis, and management. 2nd ed. New York: Raven Press; 1995. p. 465-78.
3) If it is a bulletin report of an academic meeting
Kimura J, Shibasaki H, editors. Recent advances in clinical neurophysiology. Proceedings of the 10th International Congress of EEMG and Clinical Neurophysiology; 1995 Oct 15-19; Kyoto, Japan. Amsterdam: Elsevier; 1996.
4) If referring to a thesis of a degree
Song YM. The Relationship between low serum cholesterollevel and cancer mortality [dissertation]. Seoul: Seoul National Univ.; 1997. Korean.
Kaplan SJ. Post-hospital home health care: the elderly's access and utilization [dissertation]. St. Louis (MO): Washington Univ.; 1995.
5) If it is an article of a newspaper
Jung SY. Bimaneun mansungjilbyeong? Toechi campaign. Hankyoreh. 2002 Feb 27; Sect. 8. Korean.
Jung SY. Bimaneun mansungjilbyeong? Toechi campaign [Is obesity chronic disease? Campaign to combat obesity]. Hankyoreh. 2002 Feb 27; Sect. 8. Korean.
Tchernobyl, 20 ans apres: le vrai impact en France. Le Monde (France Metropolitan). 2006 Apr 25; Sect.1(col. 5). French.
Harris G. FDA orders recall of intravenous pumps. New York Times (Washington Final). 2005 Jun 22; Sect. A:12 (col. 1).
6) If it is a dictionary or a similar reference
Stedman's medical dictionary. 26th ed. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins; 1995. Apraxia; p. 119-20.
7) If it is an electronically transmitted material
- Internet-based Journal Article (e-Journal)
Kaul S, Diamond GA. Good enough: a primer on the analysis and interpretation of noninferiority trials. Ann Intern Med [Internet]. 2006; 145: 62-9 [cited 2008 Jan 4]. Available from:
- Internet-based Book (e-Book)
Higgins JP, Green S, editors. Cochrane handbook for systematic reviews of interventions [Internet]. Version
4.2.6. Chichester (UK): John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.; 2006 [updated 2006 Sep]. Chapter 3, Guide to the contents of a protocol and review; [cited 2006 Nov 17]; p. 37-57. Available from: pdf.
- If referring to a website/homepage
AMA: helping doctors help patients [Internet]. Chicago: American Medical Association; c1995-2007. [cited 2008 Feb 22]. Available from: [Internet]. Leawood (KS): American Acade-my of Family Physicians; c2007 [cited 2008 Feb 20]. Available from:
- If it is a book or a similar reference within a website
Fact sheet: AIDS information resources [Internet]. Bethesda (MD): National Library of Medicine (US); 2003. May 2 [updated 2007 Feb 20; cited 2007 Mar 26]. Available from:
22. Tables
The title and contents of a table should be in English, concise and clear, so as to make it self-explanatory without the need to read the main text. The basic format for tables should follow the ¡®Examples of constructing a table¡¯ of the Academy¡¯s homepage ( If tables are not original, author must contact each publisher to request permission as necessary.
The title of the table should be on top placed at the center of the table. In the order of reference in the main text, Arabic numeral should be used after a space of the word ¡®Table¡¯ followed by a period. The first letter of the first word should be capitalized and a period should be placed at the end of the title.
The table should be double spaced with each on a separate page, and no horizontal or vertical lines within the table should be used. If there is more than 2 lines in a row and needs to be separated by a line, then a solid line may be used.
Within a table, if an abbreviation is used or description may be necessary, then list them under annotation below. Use the symbols in the order of *, ¢Ó, ¢Ô, ¡×, ¡«, ¢Ò, ** by superscript on the right side of the part that needs explanation and the annotation should be recorded according to the symbols listed below the table. For each annotation marked, the first letter of the first word should be capitalized.
The P of the P value should be capitalized.
The unit used in a table should be marked within the table as much as possible precluding the need to list outside of the table. The symbols for units should not be capitalized unnecessarily. In making a table, the average, standard deviation, the number of subjects and others should be given and on the annotated part of the table, the applied statistical method should be noted. For ratio, the number of responders and the ratio, and for correlation coefficient, the value of correlation coefficient should be given, respectively. In the main text, table written in English should be listed as ¡®Table¡¯.
23. Illustrations
Figures and photographs should be clear and of sufficient size that when reduced for publication each item will still be legible. If figures are not original, author must contact each publisher to request permission as necessary. Figures and photographs explanations should be given on a separate sheet of paper. Figure explanations should not be limited to listing a title, but should provide detailed description. Figures should be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals with a space after 'Figure' and followed by a period.
Capitalize the first letter of the first word for title. Arrange the title at the center. On the back side of each figure, number them in pencil and mark top and bottom. When illustrating a figure, use a bar or a line graph for average or proportion, and list measures using standard deviation or standard error and must show their P values. Identify the applied statistical methods at the footnote of each figure.
24. Revision of manuscript
A part of the manuscript may be revised according to the guidelines of the editing, if necessary, as long as it does not alter the general idea of the article.
25. For publication
If the manuscript does not follow the regulation, it may be requested for revision or to be withheld for publication. Manuscript will be examined through a review process and its publication will be decided by the editorial committee. Confirm and check the checklist for authors and send the manuscript to the address below. Copy the checklist for use in each monthly published journal.
If the editorial committee has requested the author to revise the manuscript, the author should re-submit the revised manuscript through the on-line review article system.
26. Guidelines for manuscripts that are not original
Manuscripts in general follow the submission guidelines of the original articles.
- Review and special articles
A. Sequence headings of the manuscript
(1) Title page with the title only, (2) Korean abstract and key words, (3) Introduction, (4) Text, (5) Results, (6) Acknowl-edgements (if necessary), (7) References, (8) Tables, (9) Legends, and (10) Figures should be written in order each on a separate page.
- Case reports
A. Sequence headings of the manuscript:
(1) Title page with the title only, (2) English abstract and key words, (3) Introduction, (4) Case example, (5) Results, (6) Acknowled-gements (if necessary), (7) Korean abstract and key words, (8) References, (9) Tables, (10) Legends, and (11) Figures should be written in the order of sequence.
B. Prerequisites for case reports:
A case example should be one that has never been observed up to the present time and has never been reported before. If the case example is determined to be significant enough, although it may relate to a very common condition or a descri-ption that may not be appropriate to delineate, decision to accept the article shall be determined following the review of the editorial committee.
- Others (letter to the editor-in-chief, a letter, brief com-munication, etc.)
Brief communication is a short article desc-ribing a clinical or experimental findings of importance or great advancement. It should follow the guidelines of the original article and should be limited to 5,000 letters. The number of tables and figures in total should not exceed more than two. Also, individual commentary relating to the recent publication of the Journal of the Korean Academny of Family Medicine or opinions on par-ticular topics of academic interest may be written.
27. Supplementary provision
The above revision of the regulation for publication applies to articles handed in from July 30, 2008, and the editing of articles following the revised regulation will commence from January 2009.
Soo Young Kim, M.D., MPH, Ph.D.
Editor in chief
Korean Academy of Family Medicine
# 2003 Gwanghwamun Officia
172 Sinmunno 1-ga, Jongno-gu
Seoul 110-999, Korea